******************************************************************************* ============================================================== LHA.DLL Version1.10 (FREE SOFT) ============================================================== translated by Hitoshi Ozawa =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= After unzipping the LHADLL.EXE file, please check that the following files were created: LHA.DLL DLL version of LHA file compression/decompression utility LHA.H LHA.DLL header file LHA.LIB LHA.DLL library file READMEE.TXT The file you are reading right now LHA110E.TXT Most recent information on LHA.DLL APIE.TXT Explanation of LHA.DLL API(application programming interface) VERSIONE.TXT LHA.DLL update information TINYLHA.EXE TinyLHA - LHA utility for Windows TINYLHA.TXT Explanation of TinyLHA utility README_J.TXT Japanese TXT files In future release of LHA.DLL we will only upload differences from the previous version. We are planning to make public the source to LHA.DLL when the software seem stable. To help us to make a quicker release of a source code, please send any bugs you may find and any modification to the software specification. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Liability =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The author and the developer of this software will not take any responsiblities for any damages that may occur with the use of this software. The files contained in LHADLL.EXE are distributed "as is" and without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire risk of using the software. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. How to call LHA.DLL from your C program =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. To call LHA.DLL from your C program, include lha.h (Part 1), define output buffer (Part 2), and call the LHA.DLL (Part 3). Finally, include the LHA.LIB file in the include library option during the link operation. 2. int FAR PASCAL Lha(LPSTR szCmdLine, LPSTR szOutput, WORD wSize) where LPSTR szCmdLine Pointer to LHA.DLL option string LPSTR szOutput Output buffer pointer WORD wSize Output buffer size 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include /* lha.h ... Part 1 */ char buffer[8000]; /* define output buffer ...Part 2 */ int PASCAL WinMain( HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine,int nCmdShow ) { /* call LHA.DLL ...Part 3 */ return Lha("a a:test.lzh a:*.bat",buffer,sizeof(buffer)); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. How to call LHA.DLL from Visual Basic program =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The following explains how to call LHA() from a Visual Basic program. Include the following in the Form declarations section: Declare Function LHA Lib "lha.dll" (ByVal szCmdLine As String, ByVal szOutPut As String,ByVal iSize As Integer) As Integer where: szCmdLine Command line parameter (same as parameters in DOS version of LHA) szOutPut Function output (list or return code) iSize size of szOutPut Finally, in the main program, call LHA function: RetCode% = LHA(szCmdLine, szOutPut, iSize) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Installing and using VB DLL controller =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The following is a sample program to show how LHA.DLL can be called from Visual Basic programs. Please copy the LHA.DLL file to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. WARNING: There is a difference between English and Japanese version of *.VBX files. Be sure to know which version you are working with to assure proper operation in your other applications. You will need English version if your other applications are English versions. On the other hand, if you are using Japanese version of other Windows applications, you will need Japanese versions of these files. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Distribution =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LHADLL.EXE may be freely distributed if the following conditions are strictly obeyed: 1. If it is to be copied to another forum or to another distribution channel, please contact the developer to let us know exactly where it is to be copied. We will need this information to maintain and upgrade LHADLL.EXE at all locations. 2. This program can be distributed only in the original archived LHADLL.EXE formatted file. Do not change this file or any files within. 3. Please make it apparent that LHA.DLL and TinyLHA are FREE SOFT. It is necessary to state this in the program description. 4. If this program is to be mentioned in any article, please send a E-mail to one of the developers. If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. CD-ROM), please contact the developer. The developer is willing to discuss other means of distribution. Please send a mail to one of the E-mail addresses in the support section below. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Copyright =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LHA.DLL and TinyLHA are free soft. Please respect wishes made by LHA developer Hideyasu Yoshisaki when distributing. TinyLHA for Windows is copyrighted by Tatsu Osawa. No part of this program or data may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without a written permission from Tatsu Osawa. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8. Support for Japanese Version =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mail to: Jyunichi Komuke Nifty Serve : GGD03634 We could only guarantee quick response to messages send to the above network. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9. Concerning the English Version =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= English version will be supported by Hitoshi Ozawa mail: h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp home: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/ Please send all correspondence to the above ID. I will relay messages to the developers. *******************************************************************************